When Jess and Drewe Apps became new dog parents and welcomed Olly into their lives, pretty quickly they became obsessed with their new four legged buddy.
Wanting him to have the best life possible, they were very disappointed with the toys and treats that were available.
“As we’re both very active people, we wanted Olly to experience an active life while constantly learning and having fun,” explains Apps.
“We found we’d keep coming home from the pet store with the same uninspiring toys and poor quality treats. We very quickly became bored of this, as did Olly. We asked around, and people had the same issues and concerns as us.”
And so the idea for Olly’s Box was born. A monthly subscription service to inspire and help Aussie dog parents to get active with their dogs by providing new and interactive toys, all-natural treats, cool accessories, and education around living a healthy and active lifestyle.
When the pair first started, subscription service was fairly new, says Apps, and finding a system to cater to the specific needs of a subscription business wasn’t easy, from the customer journey, to billing and dispatch. However, once they found a provider it all came together and they are still working together to this day.
“We decided on a curated subscription service as we found that is what dog-crazy people want; they want to be taken on a journey of discovery, fun, and adventure, and to be inspired to be more active and engaged with their dog. Only a subscription service like Olly’s Box can provide this.”
And it seems Apps is right, as the service now has sent more than 100,000 products to about 50,000 dog-crazy people (and their dogs) all over Australia from Kangaroo Island, Darwin, Bruny Island, and everywhere in between.
With Australia being the size it is, the Brisbane-based duo faced some challenges with regard to expensive delivery and lengthy delivery times. “We actually designed and developed our own dispatch system to ensure the quickest and most inexpensive delivery method is used based on the product we’re sending, the area we’re sending to, and the number of orders. It works brilliantly and has had a positive impact for our members.
“The level of personalisation and individuality that we provide our members is unmatched. We work directly with the best producers in Australia and have a very close relationship with them. This not only allows us to provide the absolutely best products and service, but it also allows us to be extremely agile in order to quickly meet the ever changing needs (and wants) of our members,” adds Apps.
With the company growing on a daily basis, a bigger space and more people will needed to make sure they can keep up with the demand, but Apps is looking forward to the future.
“As a result of feedback from our members, we’re making available loads of different customisation options, additional products and services, and also manufacturing our own range of products. With that comes the need for a bigger office, warehouse and team. We’re excited by what is ahead, and I’m sure our tribe will love what’s around the corner. Watch this space!”