flip & tumble bags have only been available for wholesale since february this year but are already proving successful for their supplier steadysticks.
the contemporary homewares business took on the product, which goes from bag to ball in seconds, because it seemed such a good fit. not only does flip & tumble match the environmental goods steadysticks stocks but it has a similar story to the company’s own.
“we market the reduce brand of ‘water for the week’ drink bottles,” says director tracey swensen. “the flip & tumble bags are a good fit and add to our ‘environmentally aware’ selection of products.
“[they were also] designed by two young designers, who decided to break out of the 9 to 5 routine and ‘go it alone’. i could really identify with their journey as i had done the same when i invented steadysticks wine glass holders. there was a lot of synergy between their business and how our business had started.
“now after 10 years our passion is still about those ‘great ideas’ or designs. it’s a rewarding thing to be able to take someone’s great idea and launch it into the australian market for them,” she explains.

still to complete its first year as a wholesale product in australia, it’s clear flip & tumble has emerged as a force in the marketplace.
“i think flip & tumble has had an excellent launch year in the wholesale market. in an already cluttered market space, with such a myriad of environmental bags to choose from, flip & tumble has cut through well.”