The Melbourne gift fairs held in early August were buzzing with positive vibes this year, with many exhibitors at Reed Gift Fairs, Life Instyle and AGHA Gift Fair commenting that they had a great show and for some it was the best fair tcchey’d had in years.
Read all the news as well the latest trends and products in our Melbourne gift fair wrapup.

In our wellbeing & beauty feature we talk to Capre Cleary who turned an online Facebook group into an Australian sustainable beauty brand and we have a chat with Leanne Savage, the founder of beauty brand, Acala Stem. This is followed by the latest products in this increasingly popular category.
Amid the rapid rise of artificial intelligence tools, new figures have revealed 60 per cent of all Australian businesses are already using, or planning to integrate, AI into their operations over the next two years.
Read more about AI opportunities and challenges in our technology feature.

Urban Rituelle is celebrating its 25th birthday this year and you can find out more about the brand’s journey in our wholesale feature, while our profile in this issue focuses on the Inspired Home Show, which will be celebrating its 125th edition next year.
Jati Furniture turns 40 this year, growing from a garage operation to a brand with showrooms in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. In our outdoor living feature we talk to the man behind the business that introduced Australia to teak outdoor furniture, followed by the latest products in this category.

There is a new kid in town and it’s called Yoto, a pioneering screen, camera, mic and ad-free audio platform and portable speaker system for children. Recently launched in Australia, read more about this new invention in our kids corner, followed by the latest products to keep kids and young ones entertained this spring.
New privacy laws are tipped to hit retailers hard with many businesses not aware of the broad-reaching changes that are being implemented. Check out all the ins and outs in our retail feature.

And of course we have the latest products to take you from winter into spring.