In the world of homewares, where everyday items meet artistry, there exists a select group of brands that have transcended the ordinary.
Strategic marketer, Suzanne Murphy, has worked intimately with these brands and enjoyed managing their growth over the years. These brands, some of them household names and even cherished celebrities, have not just captured market share; they have captured hearts. There are a few things that sets them apart that other brands can learn from.
Murphy shares four practices that successful homewares brands have in common and the takeaways you can apply to your business.

1 A unique point of difference―fashion trend or innovation?
Every great homewares brand possesses a unique point of difference that goes beyond aesthetics. It’s about crafting an identity, a lifestyle and a promise. Take for instance a brand known for its vintage-inspired, handcrafted kitchenware. They offer more than just spatulas and potato peelers; they offer impeccable craftsmanship and the promise of timeless elegance. Their products are not merely functional; they are conversations starters and heirlooms in the making.
Takeaway for your business: seek your unique selling proposition, one that resonates with your audience’s desires and values. Craft a brand experience that extends beyond the transaction, creating a positive first impression and a memorable one that lasts.
Want to read more? Check out the full article in our summer issue.