dog owners outdoor gear (doog) has scored a distribution deal with a us designer to sell the molly mutt diy dog bed in australia.
the company decided it was time to expand its range, which features its own walkie belts and outdoor oriented products, with new and innovative items.
co-owner jessica knight says selling the product is a good opportunity to offer australians more eco-friendly products that are often hard to find locally.
“the molly mutt duvets are the only dog duvet on the market in australia,” she says.
“the concept is a completely new one to the pet industry and they are getting huge exposure in design blogs and magazines in the us. we feel there is a huge shift towards more sustainable pet products in the australian marketplace and this is reflected in the demand.
“doog’s own products focus on the outdoors and we wanted to offer customers a great new range for the home, which the molly mutt beds do perfectly.”
instead of inserting a duvet, dog owners can fill the cover with their old clothes to make it soft and warm for their furry friends.
molly mutt creator, molly mundt, came up with the idea for her product after an arduous trip to the laundry to clean her pet’s beds.
“i realised that i wanted a cover for the dogs' beds, like the one i have for my own bed, something durable, stylish, yet affordable and something that was eco-friendly and easy to wash,” she says. “and i had all these old clothes that i was doing nothing with, so rather than chuck them out, i thought why not use them to make a fantastic new bed for my dog.”
the molly mutt diy dog bed will be available to retailers from july 1.