Dog Owners Outdoor Gear (DOOG) has launched a collection of fashion-forward collars and leads for sporty dogs.
“We have always owned sporty and active dogs who love to run with us and swim in the sea, so we wanted to design a range of collars and leads that was practical, comfortable and hard wearing for the great outdoors but that also looked on trend, stylish and sophisticated,” says Jessica Knight, DOOG director.
Extensive research went into the development of the collars and leads to find the right material and thickness. They were tested throughout the prototyping process to ensure they are durable enough.
“It was important that these collars and leads were water resistant and quick drying. They also had to be comfortable and lightweight but durable so we went with a neoprene material for the base.
“We also saw a gap in the market for a sporty range that filled the above criteria that was also fashion forward, colourful and on trend so we designed beautiful patterns onto a nylon material which is stitched into the neoprene.”
Patterns on the products are inspired by current design trends and include chevron, candy stripes and geometric patterns.
This new range is part of DOOG’s move towards products for dogs rather than the dog owner with things like toys and collars.
“We design all of our products to work well together so you can match your dog’s collar and lead to your dog walking belt. Everything we bring out is still aimed at encouraging people to get out and enjoy their walk with their best friend.”